Re: Help!!

From: Jürgen Lorenz Simon (
Date: Wed Jun 14 2006 - 05:32:06 EDT

  • Next message: Jürgen Lorenz Simon: "Re: Help!!"

    On 14.06.2006, at 10:29, Ulrich Köster wrote:

    > Moin Jürgen,
    > Am 14.06.2006 um 10:17 schrieb Jürgen Lorenz Simon:
    >> Hi,
    >> I'm starting to feel a little aggravated with WOLips, simple
    >> things turn out to be real
    >> nightmares, I need a little help here.
    >> How do I convince a run configuration to take my settings? It used
    >> to be possible to
    >> set runtime properties in the Properties file in XCode, however
    >> WOLips seems to be
    >> ignoring the Properties file entirely.
    >> So I'm trying to hand the properties to the application using the
    >> arguments tab, with the
    >> normal -D notation. Those are also ignored.
    > Could I get an example.

    In the arguments tab of my run configuration, in the program
    arguments, I pass in the settings


    and I get nothing. I also tried to include a file in
    the classpath, nada. Also, the
    ERXProperties class logs that it found my Properties file, but none
    of the setting in there are
    actually applied. I'm confounded. No idea which log4j settings are
    used, where it gets its runtime
    properties from.

    Yet: when setting some of my own custom properties in the arguments,
    they are set and can
    be read properly. Only the properties concerned with WO and log4j
    seem to be affected.


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