Localization resources

From: Guido Neitzer (guido.neitze..harmaline.de)
Date: Wed Jun 28 2006 - 04:56:49 EDT

  • Next message: Mike Schrag: "Re: resource type"


    There seems to be a small problem with the localization files copy
    target (copy.strings). When it flattens the folders the files
    overwrite files from other localizations.


    I have


    (If it isn't display correctly: I have a folder Resources with
    folders "German.lproj" and "English.lproj". The copy.strings target
    flattens these directories all in "Resources" in the installed app
    which means that the german Localizable.strings file overwrites the
    english file.

    I have configured my copy.strings target to just copy over the
    directories which works fine for me, but perhaps someone with a
    deeper understanding of ant and build.xml may take a look at it.


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