WOXMLDecoder Forcelist=YES no longer forces NSMutableArray

From: Paul Stringer (paulstringe..mail.com)
Date: Fri Jul 14 2006 - 06:08:45 EDT

  • Next message: Ian McDougall: "Re: New editors when using Quickfix for Import"

    I just moved my project from XCode to Eclipse. Now running in Eclipse
    using WOXMLDecoder and a mapping file, forceList=YES no longer works.
    A node in my XML with a single child now returns an object not an
    NSMutableArray containing one object (this is the default behaviour or
    equivalent of forceList=NO).

    So I'm trying to narrow down the areas of difference in XCode ->
    Eclipse which could be causing this. It's like I'm using a different
    version of com.webobjects.appserver.WOXMLDecoder which doesn't use

    Paul Stringer

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