EOModeler fetch spec bug

From: Pierre Frisch (pierre.frisc..pearway.com)
Date: Mon Jul 17 2006 - 05:47:32 EDT

  • Next message: Mike Schrag: "Re: EOModeler fetch spec bug"

    Hi Mike,

    I have done a few test to see how the editor behave when saving and
    why I get all my models as "dirty".

    I think this has to do with the fetch specs. When I save one of my
    models it erase the value in the fetch spec. Apart from the layout
    that change because of the different plist serializer the problem is
    with the value dictionary in the qualifier. The key "_key" is
    missing. I think the problems lies with
    org.objectstyle.wolips.eomodeler.model.EOKeyValueQualifier when
    serializing and deserializing the value line 105 and 130 is
    referenced as "name" instead of "_key".


    Before the save:
         name = {
             class = EOFetchSpecification;
             entityName = AdStatus;
             fetchLimit = 0;
             isDeep = YES;
             qualifier = {
                 class = EOKeyValueQualifier;
                 key = name;
                 selectorName = "isEqualTo:";
                 value = {"_key" = name; class = EOQualifierVariable; };
             refreshesRefetchedObjects = YES;
             sortOrderings = (
                 {class = EOSortOrdering; key = position; selectorName =
    "compareAscending:"; }
    After the save:
         name =
             refreshesRefetchedObjects = Y;
             fetchLimit = 0;
             sortOrderings =

                    key = position;
                    class = EOSortOrdering;
                    selectorName = compareAscending:;
             class = EOFetchSpecification;
             qualifier =
                 key = name;
                 value =
                     class = EOQualifierVariable;
                 class = EOKeyValueQualifier;
                 selectorName = isEqualTo:;
             entityName = AdStatus;
             isDeep = Y;

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