Re: Why are you using Cayenne?

From: Mike Schrag (
Date: Wed Jul 19 2006 - 18:15:13 EDT

  • Next message: Mike Schrag: "eogen files"

    I'm thinking we mash everyone's suggestions together, because they
    all have some benefits, and make it:

    ExampleEntity.plist {
            userInfo = {
                    _EntityModeler = {
                            Indexes = (
                                            name = "MyIndexName";
                                            columns = ( "columnID1", "columnID2" );
                                            comments = "These are the comments on this index";
                                            clustered = "Y";
                                            unique = "N";
                                            userInfo = { ... }

    with the convention that we own the _EntityModeler key in all
    userInfos, which default to be hidden when you edit, but with a
    preference can make them visible.

    For custom qualifiers, I'm thinking that eventually we can add a
    qualifier extension point where you can define the renderer to use
    for a particular qualifier class name along with a parser/formatter
    to take it from a map and back to a map along with possibly a to-text-
    form and from-text-form ability if we want to be able to provide
    string-style editing.


    On Jul 19, 2006, at 5:59 PM, Pierre Frisch wrote:

    > If you look at some of the model I sent you earlier there are
    > example except that the EOModeler UI is awkward. We have developed
    > the code to abstract index generation in EOF with plug-in per
    > database.
    > <Picture 2.png>
    > Pierre
    > On 19-Jul-06, at 2:00 PM, Mike Schrag wrote:
    >> Interesting .. So you have a "list of lists" on the Entity, then
    >> (i.e. top level = set of indexes, second level = set of attributes
    >> in each compound index?)? Something sort of like Relationship
    >> editor might be appropriate maybe? Where you can create multiple
    >> indexes and in each one add a list of attributes to it ... I
    >> hadn't been thinking about MULTIPLE indexes, so I should rethink
    >> that boolean on EOAttribute.
    >> ms
    >> On Jul 19, 2006, at 7:52 AM, Pierre Frisch wrote:
    >>> Thanks but I need this info in the model. We also need to support
    >>> multi-column indexes. My preference would be for a dictionary
    >>> with the index name and the list of attributes.
    >>> I am happy to help you with the SQL generation but to be honest
    >>> this is feature I never use. I do all my DB initialization using
    >>> EOF and code we have written over the years.
    >>> Pierre
    >>> On 19-Jul-06, at 1:45 PM, Mike Schrag wrote:
    >>>> Off-topic of the current discussion, I snuck an "isIndexed"
    >>>> field onto our EOAttribute :) Some wishful thinking ...
    >>>> ms
    >>>> On Jul 19, 2006, at 7:39 AM, Pierre Frisch wrote:
    >>>>> I particular I would like to support indexes, I have already
    >>>>> the code built in my application but the management in the
    >>>>> EOModeler user dictionary is far from optimal, so I was hoping
    >>>>> that we could do something as soon as the new modeler is
    >>>>> operational.

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