Re: Path contains - . Rapid turnaround disabled

From: Guido Neitzer (
Date: Fri Jul 21 2006 - 08:26:29 EDT

  • Next message: Mike Schrag: "Re: Path contains - . Rapid turnaround disabled"

    On 21.07.2006, at 13:40 Uhr, Ulrich Köster wrote:

    > I'll guess someone commited something yesterday. :-)
    > Okay the hole story. The - is not allowed. The woapp would halt
    > when we provide a NSProjectSearchPath with - in it. The WOLips
    > launch code excludes build products with a - in the path from the
    > NSProjectSearchPath. That's true for quite a long time. At the time
    > I've created the code, I was unable to find a way to get a shell to
    > inform the user about the problem. Yesterday I found a way to get
    > the right shell and inform the user.

    Could you give some more information in the information panel WHAT
    actually caused the problem?


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