
From: Pierre Frisch (
Date: Tue Jul 25 2006 - 11:21:11 EDT

  • Next message: Mike Schrag: "Re: Modeler"

    Hi Mike,

    How is the fetchspec editor meant to work? It does not appears to do
    anything for me.

    Also I still have a problem where the flatten relationship is not
    shown as a to Many even through it should.

        relationships = (
                 deleteRule = EODeleteRuleCascade;
                 destination = UserPreferencesPublication;
                 isToMany = Y;
                 joinSemantic = EOInnerJoin;
                 joins = ({destinationAttribute = oidUserPreferences;
    sourceAttribute = oid; });
                 name = publicationUserPreferencess;
                 propagatesPrimaryKey = Y;
                 definition = "publicationUserPreferencess.publication";
                 joinSemantic = EOInnerJoin;
                 name = publications;



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