Re: EOModeler!!!!

From: Mike Schrag (
Date: Thu Jul 27 2006 - 10:04:41 EDT

  • Next message: Brusowankin, David S: "jTDS"

    > I noticed a typo on the Entities tab – it is spelled “Entites”.
    Oh you don't know about Entites. Entites are sort of like
    midichlorians -- they give EOF its power. If I remove the Entites,
    there really would be nothing left of EOModeler. However, I am
    willing to just rename that tab for now to "Entities".

    > Is there a way to browse the data at all? I use DBEdit all the time
    > to follow relationships and stuff. It requires the ability to set
    > the adaptor information though (I didn’t see that either)
    There is not yet any connection to EOF or database drivers.
    Hopefully it's coming soon based on some spelunking that Anjo did in
    JUnit plugin.


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