Re: sql gen is in

From: Guido Neitzer (
Date: Sun Jul 30 2006 - 14:56:00 EDT

  • Next message: Mike Schrag: "Re: sql gen is in"

    On 30.07.2006, at 20:37 Uhr, Lars Sonchocky-Helldorf wrote:

    > SQL Generation is dependent on PostgreSQL plugin, here (assense
    > GmbH) we (in fact Atze) needed to fix the plugin to allow for
    > fetching a relationship from the abstract superclass in a
    > Horizontal Mapping situation.

    This is interesting, because I haven't changed anything, so it might
    be, that there is different stuff in the EOModeler plugin bundle.

    Nevermind, I do SQL generation mostly by hand, as I have seen too
    many problems with EOModeler.

    > Also that plug in was responsible for issuing sequence generating
    > code when a certain sequence wasn't found (because it referred to
    > the entity name rather than the missing name of the (non existant)
    > table (externalName) to do so).

    I also don't use this ... ;-)

    But thanks for the help!


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