Re: Making WOLips more appealing to new users

From: Ulrich Köster (
Date: Tue Aug 22 2006 - 02:30:52 EDT

  • Next message: Marc Guenther: "Re: Short Night"

    Moin Marc,

    some off the stuff is done. (See me post.'Short Night')

    Please add items to jira for the pending stuff.

    Mike has to answer the question about the project server.

    Am 21.08.2006 um 11:47 schrieb Marc Guenther:

    > Hi all!
    > Now that, for reasons still unknown to mere mortals like me, many
    > people seem to move from XCode to WOLips, I thought about how to
    > make Eclipse/WOLips more appealing to new users. There are a couple
    > of issues/quirks/leftovers that we oldtimers don't really notice
    > anymore, or know how to work around, but which might be confusing
    > to newcomers.
    > So I made a list of (mostly small) issues. But before I come to
    > that something more important.
    > We need an official stable release. That means, we need to declare
    > at some point that we are feature complete, make a svn branch and
    > from then on only do bugfixing in there (no more "I updated today,
    > and nothing works anymore" :) And finally, release the thing
    > officially as version 2.0.1 or something. Development of version
    > 2.1 can continue in the main branch.
    > Here is my list:
    > - WOLips perspective defines no friends. Window->Open Perspective
    > only shows "Other...". Should show something like the Java
    > perspective and also include Java.
    > - launch configuration: clicking checkboxes in the Log and WO Tab
    > in doesn't enable Apply button
    > - tree view in classpath container dialog: selecting frameworks in
    > the tree view doesn't display the "partially selected" icon for the
    > parent (eg. System always shows up as empty)
    > - Remove the old classpath container (not completely, some people
    > might still be using it, but at least from the New Library dialog.
    > - Make javadoc work with the new one :)
    > - Preferences->WOLips->Launch contains "!
    > LaunchPreferencesPage.description!"
    > - classpath container dialog: The "Exported" checkbox cannot be set.
    > And some help which might be needed:
    > - Preferences->WOLips->Build: What is "Build after JavaBuilder"? I
    > have it enabled, and don't know what happens if I turn it off or if
    > thats even something anyone would ever do. It not, remove the button.
    > - same page: there used to be a "Write PB.project" on build, which
    > is gone now. Is this always enabled? If so, why it there a "Update
    > PB.project" in the context menu? Also my collegue (on Windows) says
    > this doesn't work reliably.
    > - What is the ProjectBuilder Server, and what happens if I turn it
    > off? Something Windows specific?
    > and finally:
    > - The icon! Where is the one from Mikes t-shirt? That looked so
    > nice...
    > What do you think? Does any of this sound worthwhile to do?
    > Anything to add? I could invest some time to look into these...
    > Marc

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