Re: Making WOLips more appealing to new users

From: Mike Schrag (
Date: Tue Aug 22 2006 - 08:01:38 EDT

  • Next message: Mike Schrag: "Re: Entity Modeler Prototypes bug"

    > We need an official stable release. That means, we need to declare
    > at some point that we are feature complete, make a svn branch and
    > from then on only do bugfixing in there (no more "I updated today,
    > and nothing works anymore" :) And finally, release the thing
    > officially as version 2.0.1 or something. Development of version
    > 2.1 can continue in the main branch.
    I setup the "stable" Eclipse update site, though the version that I
    picked is not qualified in any way at the moment -- I just wanted to
    get the build server setup to handle such a concept. At some point
    we may declare an official 2.0 (or 2.1 or whatever it is).

    > - What is the ProjectBuilder Server, and what happens if I turn it
    > off? Something Windows specific?
    When you run Xcode, it runs a server on a known port. That port
    vends a document-based web service that is used by EOModeler,
    WOBuilder, Rapid Turnaround, and D2W Assistant to get information
    about your project. If you turn it off you will just lose some of
    these abilities, but it's not a complete implementation anyway, so
    I'm not sure how much you will feel it being off.

    > and finally:
    > - The icon! Where is the one from Mikes t-shirt? That looked so
    > nice...
    Technically that logo is derivative of both Eclipse's trademarked
    logo and the EO symbol, which is quite possibly trademarked by
    Apple. I don't PERSONALLY care, but I don't know how other folks
    feel about it.


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