Re: Error Double Entity in Models

From: André Koppany (
Date: Wed Aug 23 2006 - 04:49:21 EDT

  • Next message: Ulrich Köster: "Re: Why two WOClasspath containers? (was Re: WO javadoc does not show up on the Mac)"

    ok, I understand. Thanks.

    One thing about the documentation for the EM:
    If someone is writing it, it would be maybe a good idea to keep also
    over the descriptions of the EOModeler Documentation of Apple.
    So the EM Docs are describing comletely what possibilities you have
    by using eomodelds. This is in special for beginners a hard thing to
    look in the "old" documentation for the EOModeler how this is
    generally working and than to read the docs for the EM to know how
    this is solved in WOLips.

    Maybe there is a problem with the copyrights on the docs with apple,
    but I think this would not be a disadavantage for apple.


    Am 22.08.2006 um 17:37 schrieb Mike Schrag:

    > Yes ... It has no bearing on your runtime EOModelGroup, but inside
    > the IDE we are in kind of a strange situation, because we end up
    > "knowing" ALL your models whereas you may only deploy some
    > arbitrary subset of them. Literally in memory we are building an
    > EOModelGroup (though it's an org.objectstyle...EOModelGroup not a
    > com.webobjects...EOModelGroup -- same thing, just a rewrite of it
    > inside of WOL) from the models we find. If you have the situation
    > where you have multiple models defining the same entities (seems to
    > be the case for people that either don't use prototypes or do java
    > client work), then we explode, because the EOModel entity namespace
    > is supposed to be unique within a single modelgroup. Hence the
    > creation of a the eomodelgroup files where you can explicitly
    > declare the models that should be loaded and tell WOL not to hunt
    > for them. Incidentally, it's also potentially a decent performance
    > gain to declare an eomodelgroup, because we don't have to go
    > looking for your models.
    > ms
    > On Aug 22, 2006, at 10:07 AM, André Koppany wrote:
    >> Thanks, thats working.
    >> Does this eomodelgroup from EM have any relations with the
    >> modelgroup of EOF?
    >> Am 22.08.2006 um 15:59 schrieb Mike Schrag:
    >>> Yes, error handling leaves a lot to be desired in EM right now.
    >>> By default EM uses NSBundle discovery. To override this, you
    >>> need to create a custom EOModelGroup (new=>EOModelGroup wizard).
    >>> Open the .eomodelgroup with=>Entity Modeler to use it.
    >>> ms
    >>> On Aug 22, 2006, at 9:37 AM, André Koppany wrote:
    >>>> Hi,
    >>>> I tried to open my EOModeld and get an error (stacktrace at the
    >>>> bottom).
    >>>> In the middle of the stacktrace I see that I have two models
    >>>> containing the same entity names (this is ok, I am using two
    >>>> models with same entities).
    >>>> It would be great if for this reason a error panel comes up and
    >>>> describing the problem (not everybody is reading a stracktrace
    >>>> until the end :-).
    >>>> Also, how can I separate this two models that I get not this
    >>>> problem?
    >>>> Best,
    >>>> André
    >> André Koppany Bertholdstr. 21
    >> mackoy consulting 80809 München
    >> Tel. +49/(0)89/3402 - 90 66

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