Re: woproject.jar causes exception with Java 1.4

From: Mike Schrag (
Date: Fri Aug 25 2006 - 10:41:11 EDT

  • Next message: Stephen R. Smith: "Re: WOLips .xcodeproj file generation with Eclipse 3.2 and Xcode 2.4"

    Oh you are talking about the jar that's inside the plugin PROJECT,
    not in a deployed plugin. So that one is sort of a development
    placeholder for people so they don't have to manually build it when
    they checkout. When you "build for real", the built version of the
    plugin has its jar replaced with a newly built one. That jar exists
    only to be more convenient for development (so things generally build
    properly) and you MIGHT have problems if you actually depend on that.


    On Aug 25, 2006, at 10:35 AM, Marc Guenther wrote:

    > On 25. Aug. 2006, at 16:26, Mike Schrag wrote:
    >> I just unjarred woproject.jar from 3073:
    >> emerald:~/a/lib/org/objectstyle/woenvironment/env wolips_build$
    >> file WOEnvironment.class
    >> WOEnvironment.class: compiled Java class data, version 46.0
    > Huh, thats strange.
    > I'm running off my svn checkout from inside another Eclipse.
    > When I go to the org.objectstyle.wolips.woproject/lib directory in
    > my workspace, I get this:
    > alderaan> svn up
    > At revision 3073.
    > alderaan> jar xf woproject.jar
    > alderaan> file org/objectstyle/woenvironment/env/WOEnvironment.class
    > org/objectstyle/woenvironment/env/WOEnvironment.class: compiled
    > Java class data, version 49.0
    > Marc

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