Re: Some Entity Modeler questions

From: Paul D. Yu (
Date: Wed Aug 30 2006 - 20:30:57 EDT

  • Next message: "Error executing SQL from Entity Modeler"

    This depends on which direction you are trying to traverse.

    If you are going from EntityB.entitiyAs() then the source = EntityB
    eoid and the destination = EntityA b_eoid relationship type =
    toMany. This would be with the EntityB selected in the main view,
    and A selected in the relationship property window.

    If you want to go from EntityA back to B, then you should select
    EntityA in the main window, and click add relationship. Then in the
    properties window select toOne, select the EntityB from the list, and
    then select the b_eoid in the source and eoid in the target.

    Hope this is clear. Guess a quick Snapz Pro video may help.

    On Aug 30, 2006, at 8:02 PM, wrote:

    > I am not totally clear about the direction of the relationship. If
    > I have these two entities:
    > EntityA EntityB
    > eoid eoid
    > b_eoid stuff2
    > stuff1
    > and I want to join them so that entitya.b_eoid = entityb.eoid,
    > which is the source and which is the destination?

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