Profiling options

From: Anders Peterson (
Date: Thu Sep 07 2006 - 06:45:49 EDT

  • Next message: Mike Schrag: "Re: Profiling options"


    I need to memory profile one of my WO applications.

    WOLips currently has two options - jmechanic (that is old and I never
    got to work) and tptp (that doesn't seem to work on Mac).

    I have jprofiler installed. It comes with an eclipse integration plugin,
    but I was unable to launch my apps from within eclipse because I didn't
    know how to set up the launch configurations.

    Some time ago I tried a number of different profilers. Several of them
    had eclipse integration plugins, and these looked very similar (eclipse
    GUI). There must be some standard they were plugging in to. I didn't
    have to install (part of) tptp or anything, but still there seemed to a

    Today I wanted to try the WOLips tptp stuff. After I installed it the
    jprofiler plugin complained about other profiling plugins. ?! I was now
    able to create launch configurations to WO apps, but when I launched
    jprofiler started - which is kind of what I wanted.

    Is it possible to create a profiled WO launch configuration template
    that allows us to use any profiler (given that they are following some
    standard) and does not force anyone to install TPTP, BRIT and a lot of
    other stuff.

    It seems to me that what exists now is actually very close to this.

    BTW: Jprofiler offer free licenses to open source projects, and comes
    with WO integration as well as eclipse integration (but not WOLips
    integration). ...and it runs on any platform.



    Mathematics, Linear Algebra and Optimisation with Java

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