patterset deletion fix

From: Anjo Krank (
Date: Fri Sep 08 2006 - 15:34:57 EDT

  • Next message: Anjo Krank: "Re: patternset deletion fix"


    In case anyone has seen this too: sometimes WOLips tends to re-create
    the patternset files without a good reason. If you (like any halfway
    sane person) use version control, this is not such a big deal, but
    can still be an annoyance.

    With r3218 this is partially fixed in that you can add some defaults
    into your ~/Library/


    which act as defaults in place of the built-in ones. Commas will make
    the lines split, the above default works fine for Wonder-like
    projects (and only in this exact order, so don't mess with it!).



    PS: can someone tell me why the patternset handling is so verbose and
    also duplicated in wolips core and datasets? Can't simply delete one
    of them? Or make it so the variables can also be accessed from wolips
    core, please?

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