Re: slow page loads in rapid turnaround mode

From: Guido Neitzer (
Date: Fri Sep 15 2006 - 03:33:49 EDT

  • Next message: Ken Anderson: "Re: <copy> command no longer using symbols?"


    > I also have two problems that kill productivity:
    > - With rapid turnaround mode turned on it takes much time to load the
    > webserver resources during page loads. Sometimes this even leads to "no
    > instance available" timeouts.

    Right, I have the same problem. For these projects I tend to install
    the framework everytime I update something and use it as an installed
    framework and not from the the workspace. This is very annoying when
    you are used to the standard workflow, but isn't it the same way you
    have to handle it with Xcode?

    It's not only with projects that have webserver resources, for me it's
    also with projects with large Localizable.strings files and lots of
    small subcomponents from frameworks.

    > - Editing d2wModel file with RuleModeler doesn't lead to refresh in Eclipse,
    > this file doesn't make it's way to build folder and as a result I have to do
    > a manual refresh in Eclipse (F5) each time I make a change to this file to
    > see the effect.

    Same here. I have autorefresh on, but it doesn't work most of the
    time, so I got used to hitting F5 all the time ...

    Annoying too.


    PostgreSQL Bootcamp, Big Nerd Ranch Europe, Nov 2006

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