Re: Bug? Entity Modeler and multiple Perspective windows; Questions

From: Mike Schrag (
Date: Mon Sep 25 2006 - 16:20:47 EDT

  • Next message: Ken Anderson: "WO profiling w/Eclipse?"

    1. I've never used Eclipse with multiple windows before ... I'm not
    particularly surprised that weird things happen, though. Fixing this
    would be a low priority for me. I can take a look to see if it's
    something obvious, but if it's not, I can see it being really
    annoying to get it behaving properly. If this is a common working
    style, let me know, though. Certainly if someone else wants to look
    into this and submit a patch, I'll be happy to review/commit it.

    2. Reverse engineering is not yet in. I having the beginnings of it
    in my local version, but the UI isn't finished yet. There will be a
    new "New EOModel Wizard" that has multiple pages, one of which is a
    reverse engineer checkbox that lets you fill in the EODatabaseConfig
    settings and it will work similar to how EOModeler works. For now,
    you can use EOModeler to create the initial model and then load it
    into Entity Modeler as a workaround.

    3. Not sure exactly what the questions is, but yes, there is a Mac
    Goodies plugin, not just from stable, but in all the releases. This
    provides "Reveal in Finder" and "Open in Terminal" to the Mac Goodies
    right-click menu on resources.


    On Sep 25, 2006, at 3:27 PM, Greg Brown wrote:

    > Hi,
    > 1.)
    > If in Eclipse: Windows > Preferences>General>Perspectives> Open a
    > new perspective in a new window, (whew)
    > then when opening my model, Eclipse pops open a new Entity Modeler
    > perspective window, BUT it is blank, ie there is no model in it,
    > and in the original Wolips perspective, there is part of the Entity
    > Modeler editor, the part with "Name, Table Name, Class Name etc."
    > but not the other parts of the entity modeler. It seems this splits
    > the Entity Modeler; part goes in the Wolips perspective, and a new
    > window is setup with the other parts of the editor (Outline,Package
    > Explorer) but there is no invoking model info in the new window.
    > Eclipse 3.2 Wolips
    > 2.)
    > Is there a way to model existing databases? There is some database
    > explorer thing; but what will take the schema info to a eomodel?
    > 3.)
    > When updating wolips from the stable site; I get a "Mac Goodies" or
    > a "Goodies Mac" package; is that correct?
    > Thanks!!!
    > Greg

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