Re: Bug? Entity Modeler and multiple Perspective windows; Questions

From: Greg Brown (
Date: Tue Sep 26 2006 - 15:16:32 EDT

  • Next message: Ulrich Köster: "Re: JProfiler support"

    On Sep 25, 2006, at 4:20 PM, Mike Schrag wrote:

    > 1. I've never used Eclipse with multiple windows before ... I'm not
    > particularly surprised that weird things happen, though. Fixing
    > this would be a low priority for me. I can take a look to see if
    > it's something obvious, but if it's not, I can see it being really
    > annoying to get it behaving properly. If this is a common working
    > style, let me know, though. Certainly if someone else wants to
    > look into this and submit a patch, I'll be happy to review/commit it.

    I turned off new perspective/ new window. I couldn't see where all
    the Entity Modeler goodies where, until I figured out what was going
    on, a low priority fix, .... hmmm, but worth a warning?

    > 2. Reverse engineering is not yet in. I having the beginnings of
    > it in my local version, but the UI isn't finished yet. There will
    > be a new "New EOModel Wizard" that has multiple pages, one of which
    > is a reverse engineer checkbox that lets you fill in the
    > EODatabaseConfig settings and it will work similar to how EOModeler
    > works. For now, you can use EOModeler to create the initial model
    > and then load it into Entity Modeler as a workaround.

    Great! it is useful, the reverse engineering makes me look much
    smarter than I am, so I like it.

    > 3. Not sure exactly what the questions is, but yes, there is a Mac
    > Goodies plugin, not just from stable, but in all the releases.
    > This provides "Reveal in Finder" and "Open in Terminal" to the Mac
    > Goodies right-click menu on resources.

    The stable version updates every day the Goodies Mac, most of the
    other eclipse plugins don't update daily, I was wondering why that
    changed so much. I can probably ignore the goodies Mac changes, but I
    don't want to miss the stable updates.

    Oh, and thanks again for all the updates, answers, tools, etc.

    > ms
    > On Sep 25, 2006, at 3:27 PM, Greg Brown wrote:
    >> Hi,
    >> 1.)
    >> If in Eclipse: Windows > Preferences>General>Perspectives> Open
    >> a new perspective in a new window, (whew)
    >> then when opening my model, Eclipse pops open a new Entity
    >> Modeler perspective window, BUT it is blank, ie there is no model
    >> in it, and in the original Wolips perspective, there is part of
    >> the Entity Modeler editor, the part with "Name, Table Name, Class
    >> Name etc." but not the other parts of the entity modeler. It seems
    >> this splits the Entity Modeler; part goes in the Wolips
    >> perspective, and a new window is setup with the other parts of the
    >> editor (Outline,Package Explorer) but there is no invoking model
    >> info in the new window.
    >> Eclipse 3.2 Wolips
    >> 2.)
    >> Is there a way to model existing databases? There is some database
    >> explorer thing; but what will take the schema info to a eomodel?
    >> 3.)
    >> When updating wolips from the stable site; I get a "Mac Goodies"
    >> or a "Goodies Mac" package; is that correct?
    >> Thanks!!!
    >> Greg

    Greg Brown

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