WOLips 3449 Issue

From: Dov Rosenberg (dov.rosenber..onviveon.com)
Date: Thu Oct 12 2006 - 10:44:07 EDT

  • Next message: Ken Anderson: "Re: WOLips is broken since Sept 15th"

    I installed build 3449 this morning. It seems to have fixed the launch error
    I was experiencing on build 3446. However now that the app seems to be
    launching I notice that some of the classes and components in my frameworks
    are not being loaded ­ I get an error like:

    com.webobjects.foundation.NSForwardException for
    java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Cannot find class or component named
    CVPageHeading in runtime or in a loadable bundle

    Not sure what the issue may be ­ our app has a structure like:

    Main App - Application.java inherits from Services.Application
        Services Framework - Application.java inherits from
            Model Framework
                Utilities Framework - Application.java inherits from

    The app does start up and I can see database access occurring via the model
    framework. But the WOComponents in the Services framework do not seem to be

    The app works fine from Tomcat deployed as a WAR.

    Dov Rosenberg
    Knowledge Management Experts

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