Problems with building with ant from the command line

From: Josh Dubey (
Date: Wed Oct 25 2006 - 17:58:13 EDT

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    Apologies if this question is not appropriate for this forum, but I
    couldn't find an answer anywhere else.

    I would like to be able to compile, build and run my WebObjects
    application from the command line using ant. I've added
    woproject.jar to /Developer/Java/Ant/lib. I am using WOLips, which
    has generated a build.xml file for me. If I run the tasks in
    build.xml from within Eclipse, everything works fine. But the same
    tasks from the command line fail. For example:

    $ ant compile
    HotSpot not at correct virtual address. Sharing disabled.
    Buildfile: build.xml


         [javac] Compiling 22 source files to /Users/ubermind/svn/

    /Users/ubermind/svn/UberTime/Client/UberTimeWeb/build.xml:164: /Users/
    ubermind/Library/Frameworks not found.

    If I add the directory it can't find, I just get another error:

    /Users/ubermind/svn/UberTime/Client/UberTimeWeb/build.xml:164: IO
    error scanning directory /.Spotlight-V100

    That error is due to wo.wolocalroot being set to / in my I change that to /Library (for example) and the
    compile starts, but ant runs out of memory because (I'm guessing) it
    is attempting to scan the entire /Library directory structure for jar

    I'm sure with some build.xml massaging I can get past this error as
    well, but I'm really really curious as to why ant works from within
    eclipse but not from the command line. Anyone know?


    Josh Dubey

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