Using Mylar: allow access to Jira as a Mylar task repository

From: Marc Guenther (
Date: Sat Oct 28 2006 - 07:19:43 EDT

  • Next message: Guido Neitzer: "Problem with wolips site? Or my fault?"


    I recently started to use Mylar ( It has this
    nice Jira integration from inside Eclipse, but it seems that the
    installation at doesn't allow remote
    access. Is it possible to turn this on? Instructions for enabling
    this are here:

    It would also allow us to use the other Jira-Eclipse integration:

    Is anybody else using Mylar together with WOLips? I noticed that
    WOLips generated build files are for some reason marked as
    'interesting' and put into the filtered Package Explorer. Not sure
    why this happens and if its a problem of Mylar or WOLips. Luckily its
    possible to filter these out manually.

    Any other experiences?


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