Re: Why Maven?

From: Anjo Krank (
Date: Wed Nov 08 2006 - 07:23:10 EST

  • Next message: Ulrich Köster: "Re: Why Maven?"

    Am 08.11.2006 um 13:09 schrieb Ulrich Köster:
    >> Uhm, thanks, yeah, whatever... please keep in mind I don't have
    >> the faintest idea what this is all about :)
    > That's perfect :-)

    Guessed so :)

    >> Is the example supposed to work or not? If not, what can I do to
    >> fix it? Does it work for you at least? If so, why?
    > Yes, it's supposed to work. Due to a bug in maven it's working for
    > me. The build is different when you build a maven plugin standalone
    > or as module.
    > I've added some stuff to the svn. Please update woproject and
    > invoke mvn again.
    > I've uploaded a new version of the examples too.
    > Give it another try.

    After "svn up; mvn install" a "cd maven2/ExamplesAll/; mvn" works as
    expected. Thanks!

    Also, after expanding the created tar.gz the app runs and can be
    reached in the browser. What I didn't know was that you can actually
    embed a framework as a built jar file, which is *way* faster to do
    than copying over the hundreds and thousands of files.

    I assume that only the woproject/patternset files are used, not the
    classpath files? And putting jars in /Library/WebObjects is not
    supported? Not that it would make sense, just asking...

    Cheers, Anjo

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