Re: Problems with building with ant from the command line

From: Philippe Lafoucrière (
Date: Sun Nov 12 2006 - 04:48:31 EST

  • Next message: Philippe Lafoucrière: "Re: Problems with building with ant from the command line"

    On 12 nov. 06, at 02:22, Hugi Thordarson wrote:

    > Thanks Josh! I'm going to go through these and see what I can find.
    > And Yeah, Philippe, it definitely looks like it's scanning the
    > entire filesystem. The original error crops up because the user
    > running the ant task does not have permission to read ./Spotlight-
    > V100. And if I attempt to compile as the root user, ant throws up
    > with an OutOfMemoryError (not surprisingly - there are a lot of
    > files on those durn filesystems today, dangnabbit :-).
    > I'm digging into the issue and will let you know if I find
    > something out.

    Hello all,

    I finally made it work. Thank you Josh, your build.xml helped me a lot.
    Here's my version, which works without modify the file in woproject/*
    A little workarround to correct : I had to add a

    <fileset dir="lib" includes="**/*.jar" />

    to the target since all my jars are in the /lib folder of my project.
    This should not happen because libs are already defined in woproject/

    Anyway, I also changed the dependancies of build to include the
    compile target.

    Here's a working build.xml file.


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