Re: Deploying Maven snapshots using WebDav

From: Ulrich Köster (
Date: Wed Nov 22 2006 - 03:01:08 EST

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik: "Re: Deploying Maven snapshots using WebDav"

    Am 22.11.2006 um 01:09 schrieb Andrus Adamchik:

    > Just figured out the procedure to deploy Maven snapshots to
    > using WebDAV and basic authentication with Jira
    > passwords. Initial setup is rather involved. After that it should
    > be ok. Here are the steps:
    > 1. You must be a committer of WOProject to have the right permissions

    Am I a committer? ;-) Can't access
    org/objectstyle/woproject/maven2/ with my jira username and password
    in safari nor finder.
    > 2. Download wagon-webdav libs and stick them in your Maven
    > installation ([1], follow Carlos Sanchez comments, not the text of
    > the article)

    within the pom.xml does the same.

    > 3. Install self-signed certificate in your local
    > Java .keystore file [2] (otherwise Java will refuse to accept it).
    > 4. Set MAVEN_OPTS in ~/.mavenrc to something like this, depending
    > on how you created the keystore in the previous step:
    > MAVEN_OPTS=" -
    > 5. Finally, add your jira user id and password for the objectstyle
    > server in your ~/.m2/settings.xml. Unfortunately I couldn't figure
    > out how to avoid storing plaintext password in a file. Maven would
    > not prompt for it (and will not even obfuscate the password). If
    > anybody knows of a better way, please share (on the other hand this
    > is no worse that storing a private key in a file...)
    > from settings.xml....
    > <server>
    > <id>objectstyle</id>
    > <username>me</username>
    > <password>mypassword</password>
    > </server>
    > Andrus
    > [1]
    > +Jars+With+WebDAV
    > [2]
    > +services

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