Re: How to bundle Frameworks and Jars in .WOA application

From: Anjo Krank (
Date: Tue Jan 09 2007 - 02:16:56 EST

  • Next message: Anjo Krank: "Re: Customizing the .wo template"

    Am 08.01.2007 um 22:19 schrieb Bob Schwarzmann:
    > I don't use wolips however, so perhaps Anjo was referring to that?

    I was referring to an UI request in Eclipse:

    > On 1/7/07, Anjo Krank <> wrote:
    >> Am 08.01.2007 um 07:33 schrieb Lachlan Deck:
    >> > So, Mike and others what's involved in adding this type of thing to
    >> > Preferences > WOLips > Build?

    as Frameworks can't currently be ordered inside of Eclipse in the
    selection dialog for the Eclipse build path (which also drives the
    Ant class path if you use the default build.xml). So you'd need to
    edit the build.xml anyway if you want a specific order and if you do
    that, you might as well make multiple <frameworkset embed="true">
    sections - which is what I've been doing for longer than I can
    remember... also keep in mind that the default build.xml show(s/ed)
    the system frameworks before the custom ones, which might not be what
    you want.

    Now, given that to "fix" this, one would have to make the frameworks
    order-able inside of Eclipse and add an "embed" flag in the UI, one
    would need to touch the classpath container, and *each* and *every*
    time someone touched them things broke in a really strange,
    unpredictable and ugly way for at least some people, I'd prefer for
    people editing their build.xml by hand.

    At least until someone speaks up with a good plan *prior* to diving
    in the code.

    Cheers, Anjo

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