Re: How to bundle Frameworks and Jars in .WOA application

From: Anjo Krank (
Date: Thu Jan 11 2007 - 12:56:58 EST

  • Next message: Anjo Krank: "Re: How to bundle Frameworks and Jars in .WOA application"

    Hi Bob,

    Am 08.01.2007 um 22:19 schrieb Bob Schwarzmann:
    > The frameworks can have their order maintained from the woproject
    > ant tasks wocompile (for compiling correctly) and woapplication
    > (for generating the *ClassPath.txt files). It just doesn't work
    > when using the embed option due to using a DirectoryScanner instead
    > of modifying the classpath.

    This is fixed in 3734, correct order when embedding is now (mostly)

    I also added the (currently undocumented, hint, hint) option to
    specify the bundles in a single item and not these abominable

    <frameworks root="${wo.wolocalroot}" embed="true"

    This way, it's much easier to simply put all the relevant stuff
    inside the and forget about all the patternset files.

    I'd like to extend it to directly read the .classpath file from
    Eclipse, but I don't see any examples of reading and parsing am xml
    file inside of the build.xml. There once was one where Ulrich got the
    SVN version for WOLips, but I can't find it anymore.

    Anyway, Enjoy :)

    Cheers, Anjo

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