Can't access components and eomodels defined in a framework

From: Benoit Cantin (
Date: Wed Jan 17 2007 - 11:52:53 EST

  • Next message: Jake Fisher: "Wo Component Editor Reminiscing ... Mainly just feature requests"

    Dear list,

    I created 2 frameworks :
    - one containing components ;
    - one containing eomodel.

    All my .wo and .api files are in a package src/main/resources and .java
    files are in src/main/java in the first framework.

    In the second framework, I also put my eomodel in a package

    I build the framework with maven and wolifecycle plugin using
    woframework packaging.

    At the end, each framework contains one jar. This jar file contains in
    the first case my wo file, api files and class files. In the second
    case, jar file contains my eomodel. Both in a subfolder

    When embedding those frameworks in my app in an ant script using
    woapplication taskdef, the app doesn't find components and doesn't find
    the eomodel when I start it.

    Is there something special to do to access those datas ? I think they
    shouldn't be in the jar, but don't know...

    Thank you.

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