jvm parameter for WOApplication Ant task?

From: David Kovacs (dkovac..60works.com)
Date: Fri Jan 19 2007 - 19:38:50 EST

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    Hello WOApplication Ant task experts.

    I am currently developing and deploying WOApplications on Mac OS X.

    I was wondering if there was any parameter for the WOApplication Ant
    task that would let me specify the version of the JVM to use once
    the WOApplication is

    Currently I am able to specify the JVM manually by explicitly
    changing a line inside the MacOSClassPath.txt that resides within
    the folder Contents/MacOS/ which is generated
    inside the woa folder for the application.

    I change this manually in MacOSClassPath.txt by changing the
    first line that reads

    # JVM == java

    to instead read:

    # JVM == /System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/

    This has the effect of changing the runtime JVM from my current
    version 1.5

    to run with version 1.4.2 of the JVM instead.

    Does anybody know if the WOApplication ant task can be configured to
    correctly generate the MacOSClassPath.txt so that an alternative
    version of the JVM can be specified?

    Thanks for your help,

    David Kovacs

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