Re: [Bulk] Re: Finding EOModels

From: Gavin Eadie (
Date: Wed Jan 31 2007 - 23:36:15 EST

At 10:18 PM -0500 1/31/07, Alan Zebchuk wrote:
>If the frameworks are simply projects you have open in Eclipse, you
>can also right-click on your project, goto Build Path -> Configure
>Build Path, Click on the "Projects" . And click Add , then select
>the projects for your frameworks that you want included.

... That's how it was set, Alan. That ensures that the application
will pick up classes from the frameworks (as projects), but it
doesn't make the eomodels available (unless I'm doing something else

At 10:33 PM -0500 1/31/07, Mike Schrag wrote:
>I generally setup my projects to have BOTH. I do an initial
>deployment of a framework just so it exists, then I add it to the
>frameworks list, and also add the project reference. I then go to
>order-and-export and move the project ones ABOVE the WOFrameworks
>entry, making the eclipse project "win". The reason for this is
>that if you just have project references, WOLips currently does not
>deploy properly (it will not have the framework reference in

... I could do both, in fact I must if my framework eomodels are to
be found and available to my application. I have no strong reason
not too deploy a copy (as Mike suggests) except the esthetic one that
I'm developing, not deploying, and it feels like I'm having to work
around a bug. I also had the "order and export" settings as

     For now, I've moved the eomodels out of their framework and into
the application. It lets me develop and keep everything in the
project, and since I'm refactoring like a crazy person, that's

     Do you think there's a bug here or, at least, unexpected
behavior? Would you more experienced WOLip'rs have expected eomodels
in a project framework to be found by the application?

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