Re: weird compile error

From: Zak Burke (zdbw..artmouth.EDU)
Date: Tue Mar 06 2007 - 18:48:08 EST

  • Next message: Lachlan Deck: "Re: Help: D2WModel trying to load"

    Mike Schrag wrote on 3/6/07 9:20 AM:
    > Yes, this also happens on my build server if I don't build as root ...
    > It's really obnoxious. It appears that when you say "start with /" and
    > "include /Library/Frameworks" it literally scans freaking "/" and FAILS
    > when it can't read a folder because of permissions. This is 1) totally
    > retarded on the part of ant and 2) DEFINITELY needs to be worked around
    > in woproject. I haven't had time to work on this (or rather it's been a
    > lower priority for me) because I CAN build as root, so I have a
    > workaround. It drives me crazy, though, too.
    > On Mar 6, 2007, at 8:25 AM, Francis Labrie wrote:
    >> Le 2007-03-05 à 22:10, Lachlan Deck a écrit :
    >>> It's still trying to stop the scan of directory /.Spotlight-V100
    >>> Does anyone know what the fix is for this?
    >>> i.e., I'm running 'ant compile' from the command line.
    >> I have this "build.xml:161: IO error scanning directory
    >> /.Spotlight-V100" error too, and I'm still looking for a fix or a
    >> workaround. My "woproject" file look normal, just like my
    >> "".

    I only have this problem if one of my ~/Library/
    values is totally empty.

    I noticed this problem when trying to create a new framework. The
    default build.xml sets install.dir to


    and, at least for me, contains


    which means ant tries to install to //Library/Frameworks, which
    doesn't work. Assuming the build.xml file had the right idea and I
    had a borked properties file, I changed by to:


    And then I hit this IO trouble, and read through all the posts about
    how my woproject/ files shouldn't be empty, which the aren't.
    Several hours of ant hell later, I hit upon changing build.xml to
    use a different value for install.dir and restoring wo.wolocalroot's
    value. Happily, I can build again, and I don't even have to be root.
    For build.xml's install.dir, I use


    which is defined by my as


    HTH, YMMV,


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