Re: WOComponent renaming in WOLips?

From: Mike Schrag (
Date: Tue Apr 24 2007 - 09:32:05 EDT

  • Next message: Mike Schrag: "Re: Cannot create EOModel file"

    > File (system) attribute locked. I repeatedly/continuously get
    > locked files that I unlock with
    > sudo chflags -R nouchg ~/Developer/
    > It's extremely irritating!
    I don't even think you can DO this in Java, so I don't think it's us
    (though maybe eclipse's native file io does it somehow ... ).

    > Not 100% certain, but I think it is WOBuilder (that I try to use in
    > parallel with WOLips) that cause this.
    > If one or more files are locked when I rename a component it will
    > fail (no surprise), and that failure breaks the rename feature of
    > WOLips until I restart eclipse.
    That's really strange. Can you open the errors view, clear it out,
    then try to do this to a component that is locked and send me the
    stack trace that appears in one of the related errors?

    > Also...
    > Is it possible to also update the *.wod files that reference the
    > component you rename? As it is now I have to, manually, do a search
    > and replace.
    It's on the perpetual list, but it's really expensive to do. Unlike
    the incremental compiler, we don't keep a graph of wod relationships,
    so we have to hunt across all of your projects to do this. It's the
    same reason why saving an API file doesn't automatically fix
    validation errors, actually. I'm not sure what the right course of
    action is for this ... Whether it's worth it to take the hit or not.


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