Re: API code assist

From: Kieran Kelleher (
Date: Wed May 16 2007 - 14:51:23 EDT

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    > I debated this amongst me and myself and i for a while ... The
    > problem is that API files, by default, autogenerate in WOLips (and
    > WOBuilder, I believe) so most people actually have api files for
    > their components, but a lot of people are also too lazy to fill
    > them in. I suppose maybe I could make it that if the API file
    > doesn't declare bindings or missing, then show methods, otherwise
    > just show API. The problem is that you might actually have a legit
    > component with no bindings, which would trip it up. I opted to err
    > on the side of "helping too much".
    Or another preference in the Wod Editor Preferences if it wasn't too
    much trouble
            [Ã] Show non-API WOComponent methods in code assist

    > Incidentally, the "=" is actually a bug in the new version :) It
    > should be an equals sign only in the inserted content, but not in
    > the display value.
    Please don't fix this bug! This actually helps one see which code
    assist items are *really* API bindings which is great. Usually
    reusable components have just 1 or a couple of API bindings .... when
    those are mixed in with 20 methods from a generic WOComponent
    subclass, it causes me to have to actually examine the reusable
    component to see what is really API and what is not which defeats the
    purpose of codesense.

    If the preference to show methods is too much work, then at least
    leave the "=" 'useful bug' in place since they do identify the API
    file entries.

    Thanks, Kieran

    > ms
    > On May 16, 2007, at 1:10 PM, Kieran Kelleher wrote:
    >> Thanks (to Mike S I assume) for the "=" on the code assist for the
    >> WOComponent API. Sure makes it easier to see the wood from the trees.
    >> <pastedGraphic.tiff>
    >> Now is there a way to turn off the display of arbitrary
    >> WOComponent methods in the wod code assist so that I only see API
    >> bindings?

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