Still learning: eogenerator Failed with error code 133, then EntityModeler perspective disappears

From: Johan Henselmans (
Date: Mon May 21 2007 - 04:47:50 EDT

  • Next message: Anjo Krank (JIRA): "[OS-JIRA] Created: (WOL-450) WOD validation should not warn in unused items"

    Many thanks for the responses to my initial shock of working with
    Eclipse and WOLips.

    I am now a few steps further, and have discovered one can close
    perspectives in the main window that are not proper.

    I also imported a database description into a WOnderFramework, after
    defining a new EOModel, with EOGenerator capabilities. I tweaked it a
    little bit, tested if the SQL Generation went fine, and then wanted
    to create some EO Java Classes. I first could not find any way to do
    it, but after looking at the web site I discovered that the proper
    way was to put your mouse button on the eogen file.

    Unfortunately, that resulted in error code 133 in a message window. I
    discovered that had to do with an unproper qualifier that I had used
    in a subclass of an abstract class. After removing the unproper
    qualifier, EOGenerator continued.

    But now, I tried to get back to the entity modeler perspective. What
    ever I do, I cannot get the EntityModeler perspective back:

    I right-click on the EOModel, select Open In New Window, and the
    perspective still is WOLips. If I change the perspective then to
    EntityModeler, it still does not give the same window a before. I
    don't get the nice interface of Entitymodeler. If I click on an
    Entity Description, the plist is opened.

    What is happening?

    (Running Eclipse 3.2.2 with WOLips


    Johan Henselmans

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