A few simple questions...

From: Riccardo De Menna (demenn..dm-web.com)
Date: Sat Jun 09 2007 - 09:19:53 EDT

  • Next message: Riccardo De Menna: "Re: A few simple questions..."

    Hello all,

    I just moved to eclipse from xcode and I'm looking around a bit. One
    positive thing for sure is that wolips has given me about 600 errors
    and warnings on my models, sources, bindings etc... My stuff is so
    polished after following all the suggestions that it shines :-)
    You wouldn't want to know the absurd number of dangling bindings I
    had in my wod files :)

    The IDE is nice. I dislike the ui and the "let's put everything in
    the same window" attitude, but the rest is nice and it's clearly a
    better place for java apps to live.

    One word for the WOLips stuff... Awesome. I still wonder how do you
    guys find the time to also reply on these lists.

    So now down to earth I wanted to forward a few questions to you
    all... feel free to point me out your approach.

    1. I want to arrange my sources in some folders somehow. Mostly
    because I want EOGenerator classes and subclasses to be placed in
    specific folders (one of my models has like 30 entities and scrolling
    through 30 + 30 + the rest classes is clumsy). I made some additional
    "source folders" but now I wonder: do I also have to manually add
    them to the "compile" target of the build.xml ant file or is there
    another way I'm missing to keep some "order" on the desktop?

    2. The binding validation (omg validating ognl is so cool) is
    fantastic but what if I have some bindings that are not strong typed?
    Let's say for example a binding that points to
    parent.someCustomMethod. The validator claims parent has no such
    method but I know it does since at runtime it will. Can I inform the
    validator to skip that entry? Or can I cast it via ognl into the
    correct type to calm down the validator? The specific case of parent
    can be fixed by adding an pattern in the preferences to skip anything
    starting with "parent." but I came across other issues of the same
    problem on custom code.
    Same applies to some warnings about "collection" objects or even the
    @count operator I use often. I know it's only a warning but can I
    still get warnings and disable them one by one? (This wod validation
    is so addictive I can't tolerate the idea of turning it off :-).

    3. Last thing I swear :-) Where's the "syncronizeWithSchema" function
    of EOModeler? Don't tell me I have to update things manually via
    command line as I'm sure I would destroy my data. If it's not
    included in wolips, how do you usually update your models without
    loosing data when the issue arises? Some custom app?


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