Re: A few simple questions...

From: Riccardo De Menna (
Date: Sat Jun 09 2007 - 09:30:30 EDT

  • Next message: Chuck Hill: "Re: A few simple questions..."

    On 09/giu/07, at 15:19, Riccardo De Menna wrote:

    > 2. The binding validation (omg validating ognl is so cool) is
    > fantastic but what if I have some bindings that are not strong
    > typed? Let's say for example a binding that points to
    > parent.someCustomMethod. The validator claims parent has no such
    > method but I know it does since at runtime it will. Can I inform
    > the validator to skip that entry? Or can I cast it via ognl into
    > the correct type to calm down the validator? The specific case of
    > parent can be fixed by adding an pattern in the preferences to skip
    > anything starting with "parent." but I came across other issues of
    > the same problem on custom code.
    > Same applies to some warnings about "collection" objects or even
    > the..ount operator I use often. I know it's only a warning but can
    > I still get warnings and disable them one by one? (This wod
    > validation is so addictive I can't tolerate the idea of turning it
    > off :-).

    Oh ok I found the // VALID comment in Anjo's code... I knew there had
    to be a way :P Is there some place where can I find some
    documentation on these things? Other possible "comments"?


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