Re: Broken PB.project file

From: Guido Neitzer (
Date: Wed Jun 13 2007 - 13:34:20 EDT

  • Next message: Mike Schrag: "Re: Broken PB.project file"

    On 13.06.2007, at 10:25, Mike Schrag wrote:

    > I don't actually build with xcode files anymore (haven't for about
    > 6 months or so), so the code is not actively supported. This is a
    > particularly weird one given that it's a comma missing in the
    > MIDDLE of the list. Maybe it was at the end of the list originally
    > and got sorted or something and ended up in the middle? This code
    > is inside of woenvironment, I think? Notoriously obnoxious to work
    > on.

    It wasn't an Xcode file. PB.project. It's not a problem as I found it
    after some playing around with the various settings. Just wanted to
    make people aware, that these files can break and can be reconstructed.

    And in my projects, some of these files are actually used.


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