Re: EntityModeler does not use EOModelGroup.defaultModelGroup() for SQL generation

From: Guido Neitzer (
Date: Wed Jun 27 2007 - 11:27:39 EDT

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    On 26.06.2007, at 23:57, Lachlan Deck wrote:

    > On 27/06/2007, at 3:32 PM, Chuck Hill wrote:
    >> In case this saves anyone some time in the future: if you are
    >> customizing the SQL generation be aware that the model group the
    >> models are loaded into is _not_ EOModelGroup.defaultGroup(). If
    >> you can get a reference to an entity, you can navigate back up to
    >> the group.
    > Can you elaborate on this a bit more?

    If you customize your SQL generation somehow, e.g. by providing a class


    and hooking into "processModel" or "processSQL" to change the default
    behaviour, you have to be aware, that you don't get the default
    modelGroup. That's the case I'm aware of.

    I customize SQL generation in a way that I can set an attribute to be
    "not null" on a subclass where the superclass does not have that
    attribute or allows null for it. Therefor I have to "catch" the
    generated SQL and remove the "not null" constraint.


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