WOLips classpath not including /Library/Java/Extensions?

From: Johan Henselmans (joha..etsense.nl)
Date: Wed Jul 04 2007 - 07:10:08 EDT

  • Next message: Johan Henselmans: "Re: WOLips classpath not including /Library/Java/Extensions? [SOLVED]"

    I got the same error as Xavier in [OT] Entity Modeler: SQL
    Generation issue

    After the hint of deleting the JDBCinfo, I did that, and recreated
    the database setup.

    After that, the SQL generation gives the following error:

    com.webobjects.jdbcadaptor.JDBCAdaptorException: JDBC connection
    failed for driver :'org.postgresql.Driver '. Driver not found in Java
    Runtime! Please verify your CLASSPATH environment variable. The
    current CLASSPATH for your application is : /Applications/Developing/

    After filtering classpath in Eclipse, I first got an error in
    choosing it that it could not be null, and then I got the classpath,
    with the remark the JRE_LIB was deprecated.

    Is this a bug? Or do I have to add /Library/Java/Extensions to my
    classpath in WOLips every time?


    Johan Henselmans
    Tel: +31-20-6267538
    Fax: +31-20-6273852

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