Re: pretty interesting

From: Christian Matzat (
Date: Wed Jul 04 2007 - 09:56:54 EDT

  • Next message: Kieran Kelleher: "Re: pretty interesting"

    Am 30.06.2007 um 16:35 schrieb Q:

    > Yes, being able to do this with groovy is very cool, however being
    > able to easily embed interpreted languages that support dynamic
    > class modification has the potential to offer even better rapid
    > development possibilities. Groovy being runtime compiled rather
    > than interpreted is constrained by the JVM limitation of not being
    > able to alter a class after instantiation, instead it must perform
    > class replacement at the class loader level to redefine a class.
    > Interpreted languages like Javascript, Jython or JRuby that use an
    > internal open type system that allow runtime class modification
    > don't necessarily have this restriction, depending on how the java
    > integration is implemented. On the other hand, I'm still not sure
    > if such languages can be made to work with WO as seamlessly as
    > groovy does.

    I can only agree to you, groovy is very easy to integrate and
    powerfull to use, first choice for a java developer.

    With the Spring Framework there is an easy integration for that issue
    Yes I know, somebody hates Spring but for that it is great.
    Spring handles the compilation of the groovy scripts and you can
    define a refresh interval for script components, so that they are
    recompiled after some time. Not at least you can put your scripts
    anywhere in the filesystem for easy access.


    if you like to contact me please use: christian (et)

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