Re: WoLips and display groups

From: Mike Schrag (
Date: Fri Jul 20 2007 - 12:35:29 EDT

  • Next message: Thomas: "Re: WoLips and display groups"

    > You can submit a feature request, but I don't know how it will know
    > to set that particular regex.
    Probably the better one would be that if something returns Object,
    then I use a special class of warning like the NSDictionary thing
    that you can turn off (or I just ignore it completely .. one of the
    two). WODisplayGroup made generic would resolve this problem going

    >> Apple/WO used to have this..ypeInfo JavaDoc tag to tell WOBuilder
    >> and others what type was actually returned. Can't WOLips make use
    >> of this tag? The Quick Fix would then be to add that tag.
    >..ypeInfo won't work in this case as the method is in
    > WODisplayGroup. And if it did, how would Quick FIx know the
    > correct type?
    I think they were talking more about the other case of just
    traversing a to-one relationship in an EO if you aren't generating
    java classes ... But I'm not sure this is common enough to warrant
    the proper fix, especially since we don't generate TypeInfo ourselves
    (we depend on EOGenerator for Java, at which point you might as well
    make real classes).


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