Re: WoLips and display groups

From: Steven Mark McCraw (
Date: Fri Jul 20 2007 - 16:15:30 EDT

  • Next message: Thomas: "Re: WoLips and display groups"

    > Many decisions were made to not support what was considered bad
    > practice (like having classes in the default package). Maybe that
    > was a bad decision as there seem to be a number of people, um,
    > doing this. On the flip side of things, XCode / EOModeler / WO
    > Builder allowed a lot of invalid data and encouraged sloppy habits
    > that will come back to haunt you later. The WOLips tools help you
    > find these sooner rather than later. You could just turn off
    > binding validation...

    At my first WebObjects job the managers/trainers (former Apple
    employees.. don't know if that was something within Apple or what)
    actively encouraged us to put everything in the default package, so I
    got into that terrible habit for years and now I'm faced with the
    uphill proposition of correcting reams of code. But the hill is half
    as tall thanks to WOLips. I think the XCode environment actually
    encouraged a lot of bad habits, but it's nearly impossible to see
    that until you've switched to WOLips for awhile. Hard as the switch
    is, it's worth it to switch asap if you're going to be a serious
    WebObjects developer, imho.

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