Eclipse behavior change

From: Timmy (
Date: Fri Sep 21 2007 - 12:34:07 EDT

  • Next message: Lachlan Deck: "Re: Eclipse behavior change"

    hey folks:

    All of the sudden every time I have three new behaviors in Eclipse
    that are driving me batty:

    1. When I launch eclipse I get the Entity Modeler perspective by
    default no matter what
    2. Entity Modeler won't open in a separate window
    3. when I double-click on an EOModel it now just "expands" the model
    down instead of opening it in Entity Modeler. I have to right-click
    and manually select "Open EOModel."

    I don't remember doing anything to cause these behaviors but I sure
    would love it if someone could point out to me what I've done to screw
    it up or maybe what I can do to fix it.


    Timothy Worman
    Graduate School of Education and Information Studies
    University of California Los Angeles

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