Re: Practical WO Book Demos

From: Mike Schrag (
Date: Sat Sep 29 2007 - 00:27:54 EDT

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik: "[OT] Eclipse 3.3 on mac"

    > WOComponentEditor must do some funky stuff to determine that session
    > () returns an object of type Session rather than type WOSession to
    > complete the validation.
    Yes -- The WO Frameworks return WOSession from component.session(),
    which is 90% never what you want, because it would present errors for
    any (custom) Session subclass method you bind to (since it can only
    validate against the superclass). So for WOSession and
    WOApplication, it actually does a subtype hierarchy in addition to a
    supertype hierarchy to validate against, so it finds all the
    WOSession subclasses in reachable projects for the WO and offers them
    up as completions. This is *technically* wrong, but it's about the
    best we can do with static analysis without REALLY getting fancy.


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