Re: Eclipse 3.3.1 Appearance

From: Mike Schrag (
Date: Thu Oct 04 2007 - 07:50:56 EDT

  • Next message: Mike Schrag: "Re: Eclipse 3.3.1 .... and stuff"

    Most fonts can be changed from the Appearance and Fonts preferences
    panel, but I don't know which particular font that one is. It almost
    looks like yours isn't running with smallFontsEnabled (when you run
    an Eclipse app from inside of Eclipse, it defaults to this style),
    but that doesn't really make much sense. In your
    Contents/MacOS/eclipse.ini there should be a -


    On Oct 4, 2007, at 5:31 AM, Jan Grathwohl wrote:

    > Hi,
    > when moving to 3.3.1, Eclipse increased the font size for several
    > dialogs (Package Explorer, Outline, EOModel Outline, Problems
    > view, ...). It looks quite ugly now, as some of the texts adopt my
    > font settings, others do not and just keep their font size. It's
    > also annoying because it requires more scrolling for long class
    > names or error messages.
    > I couldn't find a way to change these settings, so maybe Eclipse is
    > taking them from OS X? Is there a way to change that?
    > It's a little OT, but it's related to Eclipse and (probably) Mac OS
    > X, so someone on this list might know the answer...
    > Thanks,
    > Jan
    > <pastedGraphic.png>

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