[philosophical question] Direct component access: does it have any use at all?

From: Miguel Arroz (arro..uiamac.com)
Date: Sun Nov 04 2007 - 11:40:35 EST

  • Next message: Miguel Arroz: "Re: [philosophical question] Direct component access: does it have any use at all?"


       I was checking out the "Preventing Direct Component Access"
    section in page 137 of Practical WO book. *

       This is an easy issue to avoid, as long as you know that you have
    to do it.

       My question is: as most people don't, shouldn't this feature be
    disabled by default? This is a huge security hole. Of course all my
    pages are protected with a "IsAuthenticated" wrapper, but I can't do
    the same to all my little subcomponents, due to keeping my sanity.
    And obviously I have no ideia how will every subcomponent react to
    this kind of access, specifically if they will reveal info they they
    shouldn't or just throw an exception.

       So, I don't see any use at all for this "feature", as we have
    Direct Actions to do this decently. The only good use for this is to
    get iTunes musics and Mac Pros for free! ;) Kidding, but seriously,
    this COULD be a huge security breach on many apps out there.

       Should it be disabled in future versions of WO by default? I vote
    for "Yes, ASAP!".

       * For those of you who don't have Chuck's and Sacha's book (go buy
    it NOW) the problem is that in ANY WO app you can type in the URL
    bar: http://server.com/WebObjects/MyApp.woa/wo/aComponentName.wo and
    you instantly load that component on the browser. Yes, really.


    Miguel Arroz

    Miguel Arroz

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