Re: New debug class path order

From: Ulrich Köster (
Date: Mon Nov 12 2007 - 11:05:13 EST

  • Next message: Pierre Frisch: "Re: Ramblings on Build System"

    Moin Anjo,

    thank you for fixing it.

    Just added the info to

    Am 12.11.2007 um 16:11 schrieb Anjo Krank:

    > All,
    > as of build 4635, I changed the debug and run class paths from
    > [Non-App Projects, Non-Apple-Framework jars and normal jars
    > (everything not named Foo.framework/../Foo.jar)]
    > [Apple-Framework jars]
    > [App]
    > to
    > [App]
    > [Non-App-Projects]
    > [Non-Apple-Framework jars]
    > [Apple-Framework jars]
    > [normal jars (everything not named Foo.framework/../Foo.jar)]
    > which should fix the "Main" is not a component issue and more
    > closely (albeit not totally) resembles what Wonder is (now!) doing
    > when starting up. The order in the respective groups should stay the
    > same, though.
    > Also the switching wo.wosystemroot in now works
    > as expected. As I don't use Maven or WAR runs, someone who does
    > needs to check this - I have no idea if you are actually influenced
    > by this.
    > I couldn't figure out how to remove non-exported entries from linked
    > frameworks from the classpath, so this issue still remains in that
    > it behaves differently than ant builds.
    > Cheers, Anjo

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