Re: Entity Modeler SQL generation trouble

From: Jerry W. Walker (
Date: Tue Nov 13 2007 - 20:11:59 EST

  • Next message: Chuck Hill: "Re: Entity Modeler SQL generation trouble"

    Hi, Zak,

    On Nov 13, 2007, at 7:10 PM, Zak Burke wrote:

    >> Fetching from a database in a static initializer is a normal Java
    >> pattern? Uh, you sure about that?
    > The "normal Java pattern" part was using static ivars as constants;
    > the DB access is my own special sauce.
    > So I guess it's me that drives me nuts, not WO. I really need to
    > find a mid-level java overview book; not how-to-program, but how-
    > things-work. I've never had occasion to learn much about the
    > classloader, or how the JVM handle static initialization, but these
    > are clearly things worth knowing about, since it was immediately
    > obvious to you and Mike and Anjo exactly how I was abusing the
    > language to shoot myself in the foot just so. Not that I expect a
    > book to instantly enlighten me and keep me from posting stupid
    > questions to every list I subscribe to, but it might help a little
    > bit. Any recommendations?

    I would suggest _Java_in_a_Nutshell_ by David Flanagan as a good
    reference book. It helps if you start out as a C programmer, since
    the Flanagan book starts off by explaining Java in terms of C.
    However, I think he does a good job of describing the features of the
    language including such things as the class loader, static
    initialization and so forth.

    Regarding the back corners of EOF, the best I can recommend is Chuck
    and Sacha's book, _Practical_WebObjects_. Beyond that, Apple used to
    publish the Enterprise Objects Developers Guide which was included in
    the WebObjects box when you bought it. I don't know how, or if, one
    could get that publication today. It might be online, but I'm too
    lazy to check right now.

    Good luck.

    > Thanks, as always, for correcting my course.
    > zak.


    __ Jerry W. Walker,
        WebObjects Developer/Instructor for High Performance Industrial  
    Strength Internet Enabled Systems
 203 278-4085 office

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