Re: Another velocity EOGen question

From: Fabian Peters (
Date: Mon Nov 19 2007 - 07:12:34 EST

  • Next message: Fabian Peters: "Re: initialLowercase in velocity templates?"

    Hi Mike,

    >>> <$if
    >>> javaBeautifiedFetchSpecificationDictionaries
    >>> ..ortedNameArray.@count > 0 $> // FetchSpec convenience
    >>> methods<$endif$>
    >>> <$foreach FetchSpec
    >>> javaBeautifiedFetchSpecificationDictionaries..ortedNameArray do$>
    > Q was just asking me about this, too ... I'm not sure why this thing
    > returns dictionaries in the original and what exactly is in these
    > dictionaries. You can just do entity.sortedFetchSpecs in the
    > velocity one.

    Thanks, that works fine.

    >>> public static NSArray fetch<$FetchSpec.niceName
    >>> $>( EOEditingContext ec<$foreach Binding FetchSpec.bindings do2$>,
    >>> <$Binding.codeType$><
    > Not sure exactly what the semantics of "niceName" are, but there is
    > now also a uppercaseUnderscoreName, capitalizedName, and
    > initialLowercaseName on fetch spec.

    "name" seems to do just fine for me, I have no clue how "niceName"
    mangles the name.

    The complete method looks like this in the old template:

    > <$foreach FetchSpec
    > javaBeautifiedFetchSpecificationDictionaries..ortedNameArray do$>
    > public static NSArray fetch<$FetchSpec.niceName$>(EOEditingContext
    > ec<$foreach Binding FetchSpec.bindings do2$>, <$Binding.codeType$><
    > $$>Binding<$endforeach do2$>) {
    > NSArray result = null;
    > <$if FetchSpec.bindings..ount > 0 $>
    > NSMutableDictionary bindings = new NSMutableDictionary(<
    > $FetchSpec.bindings..ount$>);<$foreach Binding FetchSpec.bindings
    > do2$>
    > if(<$$>Binding != null)
    > bindings.setObjectForKey(<$$>Binding, "<$
    > $>");<$endforeach do2$><$endif$>
    > try {
    > result = EOUtilities.objectsWithFetchSpecificationAndBindings(
    > ec,
    > "<$name$>",
    > "<$FetchSpec.fetchName$>",
    > <$if FetchSpec.bindings..ount > 0$>bindings<$else$>null<$endif
    > $>);
    > } catch (EOObjectNotAvailableException e) {
    > result = new NSArray();
    > }
    > return result;
    > }
    > ...

    > For the bindings, does anyone know what exactly that returns? Is it
    > an array of attributes corresponding to unbound attributes in the
    > qualifier?

    IMHO yes, with each attribute having a type and a name. At least
    that's what I can see from my templates - which I must have picked up
    from somebody at some point.

    >>> Is there any way yet to read up on what's available here?
    > The WOlips source is the only documentation for this at this point.

    Ok, helped me to avoid at least one more stupid question.

    cheers, Fabian

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