Re: Velocity Template Errors on my Model...

From: Mike Schrag (
Date: Mon Dec 03 2007 - 18:55:45 EST

  • Next message: Mike Schrag: "Re: Velocity Template Errors on my Model..."

    > 1) Error on a lot of these...
    > public static UserPasswordArchive
    > fetchRequiredTOSUserPasswordArchive(EOEditingContext editingContext,
    > String keyName, Object value) {
    > return
    > _UserPasswordArchive
    > .fetchRequiredTOSUserPasswordArchive(editingContext, new
    > EOKeyValueQualifier(keyName, EOQualifier.QualifierOperatorEqual,
    > value));
    > }
    > the above gives me an error saying that the arguments are wrong.
    I just used the Entity14 templates at a new client site today --
    _specifically_ what is the error? what arguments are wrong?

    > notice in the second method that the fetchLifeCycleState should
    > actually be fetchTOSLifeCycleState
    Is this the difference between class name and entity name here? Mine
    are always the same, so it's possible I've just missed a couple places
    that interchange them by accident.


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